Wednesday, May 9, 2007


1. A person went to a shop and asked for change for 1.15paise. but he said that he could not only give change for one rupee. but also for 50p,25p,10p and 5p. what were the coins he had ?
5p=========> 4
10p========> 2
25p========> 1

2. There are 3 nurses and they work altogether only once in a week. no nurse is called to work for 3 consecutive days.
Nurse 1 is off on tueseday, thursday and Sunday.
Nurse 2 is off on Saturday.
Nurse 3 is off on Thursday, Sunday.
No two nurses are off more than once a week.
Find the day on which all the 3 nurses were on work.

Answer: Friday

All the Best

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